{CompanyName} FlexyGo

EditController Members

The EditController type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddNewDetachedProperty
Adds a new object detached property. Only for designers
Public method AddNewFields
Adds the new field to the database table and append it as object property. Only for designers
Public method AddNewProperties
Adds the new properties. Only for designers
Public method GetComboData
Gets the combo data.
Public method GetComboDataView
Gets the combo data.
Public method GetComboText
Gets the combo value and display text for a defined value
Public method GetEditConfig
Gets the config template based on an object name returns a EditHelper as an ActionResult
Public method GetEditTemplate
Gets the edit template based on an object name, an object where and a module Id. returns a EditHelper as an ActionResult
Public method GetNewProperties
Gets a lis of object properties.
Public method GetProcessParamsTemplate
Gets the process params template based on an Report Id. returns a ProcessParamsHelper as an ActionResult
Public method GetReportParamsTemplate
Gets the reports params template based on an Report Id. returns a ReportParamsHelper as an ActionResult
Public method InsertPlaceHolder
Inserts form place holder. Only for designers
Public method InsertSeparator
Inserts form separator. Only for designers
Public method ProcessAllDependencies
Process de change event of a property with dependencies returns a list with the form actions to process.
Public method ProcessAllListDependencies
Process de change event of a property with dependencies returns a list with the form actions to process.
Public method ProcessDependencies
Process de change event of a property with dependencies returns a list with the form actions to process.
Public method ResizeProperties
Resizes the form properties only for designers.
Public method SaveDependenciesConfig
Save the dependencies of a property. Only for designers
Public method ValidateProperty
Process de change event of a property with validate returns true or false.