{CompanyName} FlexyGo

EntityController Members

The EntityController type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Delete
Deletes the specified based on the received properties and the object name. returns an EntityHelper as an ActionResult
Public method getConfig
Gets de config of an object or collection
Public method GetProcesses
Gets the processes collection based on the received properties and the object name. returns an NavigationNodes as an ActionResult
Public method GetTemplateById
Return a first template and data for an object based on the template identifier.
Public method GetTemplateByType
Return a first template and data for an object based on the template type.
Public method GetView
Gets an object Data view for a defined page size and filter.
Public method GetViewColumnsNames
Gets the number of records from an Object data view.
Public method GetViewCount
Gets the number of records from an Object data view.
Public method Insert
Inserts the specified object based on the received properties and the object name. returns an EntityHelper as an ActionResult
Public method Read
Reads the specified object name and returns an EntityHelper as an ActionResult.
Public method Update
Updates the specified based on the received properties and the object name. returns an EntityHelper as an ActionResult