{CompanyName} FlexyGo

DataManager Members

The DataManager type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DataManager()()()()
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.
Public method DataManager(String, Boolean, ArrayList)
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class. Use Only for ObjectSettings
Public method DataManager(UserConnection)
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.
Public method DataManager(String, eDBType, Boolean, ArrayList)
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.
Public method DataManager(String, eDBType)
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.
Public method DataManager(String, eDBType, Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.


  Name Description
Public method AddColumnToTable
ACreates a table in the current database
Public method BeginTrans
Begins a transaction.
Public method canConnect
Determines whether this instance can connect.
Public method ChangePassword
Changes SQL user connected password.
Public method Close
Closes the connection.
Public method Command
Executes a Command based on a SQL sentence.
Public method CommitTrans
Commits the transaction.
Public method ConvertFunctionString
Returns a string with a convert function for each database type
Public method ConvertValue
Public method CreateTable
Creates a table in the current database
Public method DataAdapter
Obtains a Data Adapter.
Public method DataReader(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Obtains a Data Reader.
Public method DataReader(String, CommandBehavior)
Obtains a Data Reader.
Public method DataSet(String)
Obtains a Data Set based on a SQL sentence.
Public method DataSet(String, String)
Obtains a specific table form a Data Set based on a SQL sentence.
Public method DataSet(DataSet, String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Loads a Dataset with a Data Set based on a SQL sentence.
Public method DataSet(DataSet, String, String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Loads a Dataset with a Table Data Set based on a SQL sentence.
Public method DataSet(String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Retrieves a dataset Based on a SQL sentence given a start page and an end page.
Public method DataSet(String, String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Retrieves a dataset Based on a SQL sentence given a start page and an end page and a Table Name.
Public method DataSet(DataSet, String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Fills an existing dataset with a dataset Based on a SQL sentence given a start page and an end page.
Public method DataSet(DataSet, String, String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Fills an existing dataset with a dataset Based on a SQL sentence given a start page and an end page and a Table Name.
Public method DataTable(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Obtains a DataTable based on a SQL sentence.
Public method DataTable(String, String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Obtains a DataTable based on a SQL sentence.
Public method DataTable(String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Obtains a DataTable based on a SQL sentence given a start page and a page size.
Public method DataTable(String, String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Obtains a DataTable based on a SQL sentence given a start page and a page size.
Public method DataTableColumnsExtendedProperties
Obtains a DataTable Columns Extended properties.
Public method DropTable
Deletes a table in the current database
Public method ExecuteERPStored
Executes an Ahora Freeware stored procedure passing parameters by order an not by name.
Public method ExecuteGipeStored
Executes A gipe stored procedure.
Public method ExecuteSql(String)
Executes the SQL.
Public method ExecuteSql(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Executes the SQL.
Public method ExecuteSQLInstruction(String)
Executes the SQL instruction.
Public method ExecuteSQLInstruction(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Executes the SQL instruction.
Public method ExecuteSqlWithError(String)
Executes the SQL with exception error.
Public method ExecuteSqlWithError(StringCollection)
Executes the SQL with error.
Public method ExecuteStored(String, BaseCollection)
Executes the stored procedure.
Public method ExecuteStored(String, BaseCollection, Boolean%)
Executes the stored procedure and retrieves if existed or not.
Public method ExecuteStoredResult(String, BaseCollection, DataTable%)
Executes the stored procedure ans puts results in a data table.
Public method ExecuteStoredResult(String, BaseCollection, DataSet%, String)
Executes the stored procedure ans puts results in a DataSet.
Public method ExecuteStoredResult(String, BaseCollection, DataTable%, Boolean%)
Executes the stored procedure ans puts results in a data table.
Public method ExecuteStoredResult(String, BaseCollection, DataSet%, String, Boolean%)
Executes the stored procedure ans puts results in a DataSet.
Public method Static member GetDBType
Returns Database Type depending on provider name.
Public method GetObjectSchema
Returns A datatable with table or view schema info
Public method GetStandardDbType
Returns a standar dbtype
Public method GetTableDefaults
Returns A table with field Defaults.
Public method GetValue(String, String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Gets the value returned by a SQl sentence for a given field name.
Public method GetValue(String, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Gets the value returned by a SQl sentence for a given field index.
Public method GetValue(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>))
Gets the value of the first column after running the SQL sentence.
Public method InsertRowAndReturnIdentity
Insertas a row in the database and returns the identity value for that row
Public method IsDelete
Returns true if sencente has only once delete statement
Public method IsInsert
Returns true if sencente has only once insert statement
Public method IsMultiSelect
Returns true if sencente has only select statements
Public method IsSelect
Returns true if sencente has only once select statement
Public method IsUpdate
Returns true if sencente has only once update statement
Public method ProcessError
Processes the SQL error for better understanding.
Public method QuoteName(String)
Returns a quoted field name
Public method QuoteName(String, String)
Returns a quoted string with table and field name
Public method QuoteName(String, String, String)
Public method QuoteName(String, String, String, String)
Public method RecordCount
Counts the number or resulting records.
Public method RollbackTrans
Rollbacks the transaction.
Public method Stored(String)
Executes a stored procedure.
Public method Stored(String, Boolean%)
Executes a stored procedure.
Public method Stored_GetInputParams(DbCommand, BaseCollection%)
Retrieves Stored Procedure input parameters.
Public method Stored_GetInputParams(String, BaseCollection%)
Retrieves Stored Procedure input parameters.
Public method TestSql
Test the SQL.
Public method XmlReader
Obtains a XML Reader based on a SQL sentence.


  Name Description
Public field _connector
The error message
Public field ErrorMessage
The error message


  Name Description
Public property CloseQuote
Returns the close quote character for each database type
Public property ConnectString
Gets or sets the connection string.
Public property CurrentDataAdapter
Gets the current data adapter.
Public property FillSchema
Gets or sets a value indicating whether fill schema is set to true.
Public property InTrans
Gets a value indicating whether we are in a transaction or not.
Public property KeepOpen
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to keep the connection open or not.
Public property LastException
Gets the last exception.
Public property OpenQuote
Returns the open quote character for each database type
Public property SQLInstructions
Gets or sets the SQL instructions.
Public property Timeout
Gets or sets the timeout in seconds.
Public property Trans
Gets the current transaction.
Public property Type
Gets or sets the Database type.