DataManager Members
The DataManager type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DataManager()()()() |
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.
DataManager(String, Boolean, ArrayList) |
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class. Use Only for ObjectSettings
DataManager(UserConnection) |
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.
DataManager(String, eDBType, Boolean, ArrayList) |
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.
DataManager(String, eDBType) |
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.
DataManager(String, eDBType, Int32) |
Initializes a new instance of the DataManager class.
Name | Description | |
AddColumnToTable |
ACreates a table in the current database
BeginTrans |
Begins a transaction.
canConnect |
Determines whether this instance can connect.
ChangePassword |
Changes SQL user connected password.
Close |
Closes the connection.
Command |
Executes a Command based on a SQL sentence.
CommitTrans |
Commits the transaction.
ConvertFunctionString |
Returns a string with a convert function for each database type
ConvertValue | ||
CreateTable |
Creates a table in the current database
DataAdapter |
Obtains a Data Adapter.
DataReader(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Obtains a Data Reader.
DataReader(String, CommandBehavior) |
Obtains a Data Reader.
DataSet(String) |
Obtains a Data Set based on a SQL sentence.
DataSet(String, String) |
Obtains a specific table form a Data Set based on a SQL sentence.
DataSet(DataSet, String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Loads a Dataset with a Data Set based on a SQL sentence.
DataSet(DataSet, String, String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Loads a Dataset with a Table Data Set based on a SQL sentence.
DataSet(String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Retrieves a dataset Based on a SQL sentence given a start page and an end page.
DataSet(String, String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Retrieves a dataset Based on a SQL sentence given a start page and an end page and a Table Name.
DataSet(DataSet, String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Fills an existing dataset with a dataset Based on a SQL sentence given a start page and an end page.
DataSet(DataSet, String, String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Fills an existing dataset with a dataset Based on a SQL sentence given a start page and an end page and a Table Name.
DataTable(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Obtains a DataTable based on a SQL sentence.
DataTable(String, String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Obtains a DataTable based on a SQL sentence.
DataTable(String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Obtains a DataTable based on a SQL sentence given a start page and a page size.
DataTable(String, String, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Obtains a DataTable based on a SQL sentence given a start page and a page size.
DataTableColumnsExtendedProperties |
Obtains a DataTable Columns Extended properties.
DropTable |
Deletes a table in the current database
ExecuteERPStored |
Executes an Ahora Freeware stored procedure passing parameters by order an not by name.
ExecuteGipeStored |
Executes A gipe stored procedure.
ExecuteSql(String) |
Executes the SQL.
ExecuteSql(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Executes the SQL.
ExecuteSQLInstruction(String) |
Executes the SQL instruction.
ExecuteSQLInstruction(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Executes the SQL instruction.
ExecuteSqlWithError(String) |
Executes the SQL with exception error.
ExecuteSqlWithError(StringCollection) |
Executes the SQL with error.
ExecuteStored(String, BaseCollection) |
Executes the stored procedure.
ExecuteStored(String, BaseCollection, Boolean%) |
Executes the stored procedure and retrieves if existed or not.
ExecuteStoredResult(String, BaseCollection, DataTable%) |
Executes the stored procedure ans puts results in a data table.
ExecuteStoredResult(String, BaseCollection, DataSet%, String) |
Executes the stored procedure ans puts results in a DataSet.
ExecuteStoredResult(String, BaseCollection, DataTable%, Boolean%) |
Executes the stored procedure ans puts results in a data table.
ExecuteStoredResult(String, BaseCollection, DataSet%, String, Boolean%) |
Executes the stored procedure ans puts results in a DataSet.
GetDBType |
Returns Database Type depending on provider name.
GetObjectSchema |
Returns A datatable with table or view schema info
GetStandardDbType |
Returns a standar dbtype
GetTableDefaults |
Returns A table with field Defaults.
GetValue(String, String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Gets the value returned by a SQl sentence for a given field name.
GetValue(String, Int32, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Gets the value returned by a SQl sentence for a given field index.
GetValue(String, List<(Of <<'(DbParameter>)>>)) |
Gets the value of the first column after running the SQL sentence.
InsertRowAndReturnIdentity |
Insertas a row in the database and returns the identity value for that row
IsDelete |
Returns true if sencente has only once delete statement
IsInsert |
Returns true if sencente has only once insert statement
IsMultiSelect |
Returns true if sencente has only select statements
IsSelect |
Returns true if sencente has only once select statement
IsUpdate |
Returns true if sencente has only once update statement
ProcessError |
Processes the SQL error for better understanding.
QuoteName(String) |
Returns a quoted field name
QuoteName(String, String) |
Returns a quoted string with table and field name
QuoteName(String, String, String) | ||
QuoteName(String, String, String, String) | ||
RecordCount |
Counts the number or resulting records.
RollbackTrans |
Rollbacks the transaction.
Stored(String) |
Executes a stored procedure.
Stored(String, Boolean%) |
Executes a stored procedure.
Stored_GetInputParams(DbCommand, BaseCollection%) |
Retrieves Stored Procedure input parameters.
Stored_GetInputParams(String, BaseCollection%) |
Retrieves Stored Procedure input parameters.
TestSql |
Test the SQL.
XmlReader |
Obtains a XML Reader based on a SQL sentence.
Name | Description | |
CloseQuote |
Returns the close quote character for each database type
ConnectString |
Gets or sets the connection string.
CurrentDataAdapter |
Gets the current data adapter.
FillSchema |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether fill schema is set to true.
InTrans |
Gets a value indicating whether we are in a transaction or not.
KeepOpen |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to keep the connection open or not.
LastException |
Gets the last exception.
OpenQuote |
Returns the open quote character for each database type
SQLInstructions |
Gets or sets the SQL instructions.
Timeout |
Gets or sets the timeout in seconds.
Trans |
Gets the current transaction.
Type |
Gets or sets the Database type.