{CompanyName} FlexyGo

EntityCollection Members

The EntityCollection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method EntityCollection()()()()
Initializes a new instance of the EntityCollection class.
Public method EntityCollection(String, ConfToken)
Initializes a new instance of the EntityCollection class.
Public method EntityCollection(String, String, ConfToken)
Initializes a new instance of the EntityCollection class.


  Name Description
Public method ActionsCollection
Gets the Object actions collection wich is allways nothing. Used for Compatibility implementing IEntity
Public method buildSQLViewSentence(String, String, List<(Of <<'(PropertyOrder>)>>))
Builds SQL based on a view name, a where sentence, Paging and orderBy.
Public method buildSQLViewSentence(String, String, String)
Public method Delete
Runs delete Process on all objects in collection
Public method GetBasicTemplateList
Gets a simplified list of templates for a given template type
Public method GetBasicViewList
Gets a simplified list of views for a given object
Public method GetCrystalReportDocument
Gets a crystal report document linked to the object.
Public method GetDataView(String, Int32, Int32, String, List<(Of <<'(PropertyOrder>)>>))
Gets DataTable based on a Data view name a where sentence, order by and paging .
Public method GetDataView(String, Int32, Int32, String, String)
Gets DataTable based on a Data view name a where sentence, order by and paging .
Public method GetDataViewCount
Gets the number of affected rows from a DataVIew.
Public method GetDataViewSchema
Gets Data View Schema based on a Data view name
Public method GetDefaultEditListTemplate
Gets a template based on the TemplateType. If object does not have a template for that mode it will get a system default template definition
Public method GetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
Public method GetIdentifierSQL
Public method GetPageData(Int32, Int32, Boolean, String, Boolean)
Gets indicated page DataTable based on page and page size.
Public method GetPageData(Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, List<(Of <<'(PropertyOrder>)>>), Boolean)
Gets the data based on page, page size and where sentence.
Public method GetPageData(Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, String, Boolean)
Gets the data based on page, page size and where sentence.
Public method GetPageSQL(String, Boolean, List<(Of <<'(PropertyOrder>)>>), Boolean)
Gets the SQL based on where sentence and order by
Public method GetPageSQL(String, Boolean, String, Boolean)
Gets the SQL based on where sentence and order by
Public method GetTemplate(String, Boolean, Int32, Int32, String, List<(Of <<'(PropertyOrder>)>>)%, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, TemplateGroup>)>>))
Gets a template based on the Template Id.
Public method GetTemplate(String)
Gets the specified template based on the template id
Public method GetTemplateList
Gets a list of templates for a given type
Public method GetTemplateType(String)
Gets the template based on Template Type.
Public method GetTemplateType(String, Int32, Int32, String, List<(Of <<'(PropertyOrder>)>>), String, Boolean, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, TemplateGroup>)>>))
Gets a template based on the TemplateType. If object does not have a template for that mode it will get a system default template definition
Public method GetToolBar
Process Toolbar with Object Values
Public method GetWhere
Returns Where String.
Public method GetWhereKeys
Returns Where Keys String.
Public method KeyFields
Key fields ArrayList.
Public method NavigationNodes
Gets Navigation Nodes Based on Reports, Process, Related Objects and actions.
Public method ParseString
Parses the string {{property}} against default values and object properties. " The {{ObjectName}} is ok " would result in "The Client is ok"
Public method ParseValue
Parses the string {{property}} against default values and object properties. " The {{ObjectName}} is ok " would result in "The Client is ok"
Public method ProcessCollection
Gets the EntityCollection process collection.
Public method Properties
Gets the Property secured collection. This property collection changes the view property based on user security It also changes the SQL sentence if it is a combo , based on user security and object secured by object property
Public method Refresh
Refreshes the current loaded table.
Public method Reports
Gets the EntityCollection Reports collection.
Public method SQLDataSentence
Gets the SQL Data Sentence .
Public method ToJSon(Int32, Int32, String)
Returns JSon string from entityObject current page Table.
Public method ToJSon()()()()
Returns JSon string from entityObject current page Table.


  Name Description
Public field Context
The context


  Name Description
Public property CanDelete
Gets a value indicating whether this collection default child can be Deleted.
Public property CanInsert
Gets a value indicating whether collection default child can be inserted.
Public property CanUpdate
Gets a value indicating whether this collection default child can be Edited.
Public property ChildConfiguration
Gets the default child configuration.
Public property Configuration
Gets the EntityCollection configuration.
Public property ConfToken
Gets or sets the conf token.
Public property ConnString
Gets the connection String for Current user.
Public property ControlConfig
Gets or sets the control configuration.
Public property Count
Gets the EntityCollection row count.
Public property CurrentPage
Gets the current active page number.
Public property DataManager
Gets or sets the data manager.
Public property Description
Gets the description.
Public property GetObjectToken
Gets the get object token.
Public property ID
Gets the identifier.
Public property IsCollection
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is collection.
Public property Item
As it is an entityCollection it returns EntityObjects
Public property Name
Gets the EntityCollection name.
Public property OriginalSQLSentence
Gets the original SQL sentence.
Public property PageCount
Gets the page count.
Public property PageSize
Gets or sets the page size.
Public property ParentDefaults
Gets or sets the parent object defaults.
Public property ParentObject
Gets or sets the parent object.
Public property PrimaryKeys
Gets the primary keys string.
Public property SQL
Gets or sets the SQL sentence.
Public property TableName
Gets the table Name.
Public property UserConnectionString
Gets the UserConnectionString.
Public property Where
Returns Where String.