{CompanyName} FlexyGo

ObjectAditionalTableSettings Members

The ObjectAditionalTableSettings type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ObjectAditionalTableSettings()()()()
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectAditionalTableSettings class.


  Name Description
Public property ConnStringId
Gets the connection string Id.
Public property DeleteProcessName
Gets or sets the delete Process name
Public property DeleteType
Gets or sets the type of the delete.
Public property Description
Gets the description.
Public property InsertProcessName
Gets or sets the Insert Process name.
Public property InsertType
Gets or sets the insert type.
Public property KeyMap
Gets the key map.
Public property Parent
Gets the parent.
Public property Schema
Public property TableName
Gets the table name.
Public property UpdateProcessName
Gets or sets the update process id.
Public property UpdateType
Gets or sets the type of the update.