ObjectProperty Members
The ObjectProperty type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ObjectProperty()()()() |
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectProperty class.
ObjectProperty(String) |
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectProperty class.
Name | Description | |
AutoIncrementValue |
Returns Property AutoIncrement value
CloneFrom |
Clones from.
IsValuableType |
Returns if property can has a value (exclude separator and placeholders)
LoadListValues |
Loads list of values.
SetDetachedFromDB |
Sets the detached from DB to true.
SetNewValues |
Name | Description | |
_SQLEditSentence |
The SQL edit sentence
_SQlSentence |
The SQL sentence
CanEdit |
Security Can edit
CanView |
Security can view
DropDownRows |
The table name
Name | Description | |
AllowNewDefaults |
Set defaults from New Object.
AllowNewFunction |
Gets the allow new function.
AllowNewObject |
Gets the allow new object.
AllowNewReturnFields |
Gets the values for New Function return fields.
AutoIncrement |
Indicates if value is auto generated buy using max() +1 or Autoincrement function.
AutoIncrementFunction |
SQL sentence to get next id value.
Autoselect |
Gets the autoselect.
CascadeDependencies |
Gets or sets the field cascade pependencies.
CauseRefresh |
Gets if a property has dependencies
ClientReadOnly |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ObjectProperty is ClientReadOnly.
ConnStringId |
Gets or sets the connection string identifier.
ControlType |
Gets or sets the type of the control.
CssClass |
Gets or sets the CSS class.
DataType |
Gets the type of the data.
DataTypeSQL |
Gets the type of the data.
DBType |
Gets or sets the type of the database.
DecimalPlaces |
Gets the decimal places.
DefaultSearchType |
Gets or sets the default search type of the control.
DefaultValue |
Gets the default value.
DependingFrom |
Gets or sets the depending from.
DependingProperties |
Gets or sets the depending properties.
DetachedFromDB |
Gets a value indicating whether [detached from database].
DropDownValues |
Gets or sets values if property is a default drop down list.
ExtensionId |
Gets or sets the ExtensionId.
Extensions |
Gets or sets the Extensions.
FormatString |
Gets the format string.
FormDisplay |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ObjectProperty can be displayed on a form.
HasDefinition |
Returns if Property has been defined in database.
Height |
Gets or sets the height.
HelpId |
Gets or sets the help identifier.
Hide |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ObjectProperty is hidden.
IconClass |
Gets the Property Icon Css Class.
IgnoreDBDefaultValue |
Gets a value indicating whether [ignore database default value].
ImageCompressionType |
Gets or sets the Image Compression Type.
ImageMaxHeight |
Gets or sets the Image Max Height.
ImageMaxWidth |
Gets or sets the Image Max Width.
IsRequired |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is required.
IsRequiredMessage |
Gets or sets the is required message.
Label |
Gets or sets the label.
LabelCssClass |
Gets or sets the label CSS class.
LabelStyle |
Gets or sets the label style.
Locked |
Gets or sets the locked state.
Mask |
Gets the mask.
MaxNumOfChars |
Gets the maximum number of chars.
MaxValue |
Gets the maximum allowed value.
MaxValueMessage |
Gets the maximum allowed value message.
MinValue |
Gets the minimum allowed value.
MinValueMessage |
Gets the minimum allowed value message.
Name |
Gets or sets the name.
ObjectName |
Gets or sets the name of the object.
ObjNameLink |
Gets or sets the object name link.
ObjWhereLink |
Gets or sets the object where link.
OfflineWebComponent |
Gets the offline web component of the type.
OnChangeJsFunction |
Gets the on change js function.
OnChangeProcessName |
Gets or sets the onChange process identifier.
OriginalLabel |
Gets label in original language.
PersistDefaultValue |
Gets a value indicating whether [persist default value].
PlaceHolder |
Gets or sets the field placeholder text.
PositionX |
Gets or sets x position.
PositionY |
Gets or sets y position.
RegExp |
Gets the regular exp.
RegExpText |
Gets the regular exp message.
RootPath |
Gets the root path.
RootPathType |
Gets or sets the field RootPathType
SearchCollection |
Gets the search collection.
SearchFunction |
Gets the search function.
SearchReturnFields |
Gets the search return fields.
SearchTypes |
Gets or sets the search types of the control.
SearchWhere |
Gets the search where.
SecurityObject |
Gets the security object.
Separator |
Separator for Tag controls.
SQLDisplayField |
Gets the SQL Field to dispay.
SQLEditSentence |
Gets the SQL edit sentence.
SQLFilter |
Gets the SQL filter.
if it is blank it will try to build one with the _SQLDisplayField
SQLObjectName |
Gets the SQL Object Name to get the view for the combo
SQLOfflineOrderBy |
Orderby for offline properties
SQLOfflineSentence |
SQL for offline properties
SQLSentence |
Gets or sets the SQL sentence.
SQLValidator |
Gets the SQL to validate.
SQLValueField |
Gets the SQL Field to save as a value.
SQLViewName |
Gets the View name to get items for the combo
Style |
Gets or sets the style.
TableName |
Gets or sets the name of the table.
Tag |
Gets or sets the tag.
TargetIdLink |
Gets or sets a value indicating the target id of the new object link.
Template |
Gets the Direct format template.
ToolbarName |
Gets property Toolbar Id.
ValidatorMessage |
Gets the validator message.
WebComponent |
Gets the web component of the type.
WhereSentence |
Gets the where sentence.
Width |
Gets or sets the width.