ProcessConfig Members
The ProcessConfig type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ProcessConfig()()()() |
Initializes a new instance of the ProcessConfig class.
ProcessConfig(String) |
Initializes a new instance of the ProcessConfig class.
Name | Description | |
AdminOnly |
If the Process is auditable
Auditable |
If the Process is auditable
ClassName |
The class name
CloseDialogOnOk |
If the Process is open in a Dialog to ask for additional parameters it will be closed if process is executed ok
Code |
The process code
ConfirmOkText |
If process has now confirm text like a Stored procedure it will automatically generate one if this check is enabled
ConfirmText |
The Confirm Text
ConnStringId |
The connection string identifier
Defaults |
The Redirection defaults
ExternalUrl |
The external URL
File |
The file or dll code.
GipeParams |
Params are sent ussing context gipe execution
HasParams |
If the Process has parameters
HelpId |
The Help Id for navigation processes
IsWorkflow |
If the Process is a GIPE Workflow
JSforParams |
The JavaScript for parameters
LoadProcessName |
The load process Id
MethodName |
The method name
PageName |
The Page Id for navigation processes
PageObjectName |
The object name for navigation processes
PageObjectWhere |
The object where for navigation processes
PageTypeId |
The Page Type Id for navigation processes
Params |
Collection of process params.
ProcessDescrip |
The Process Description
ProcessFlowText |
The Process Flow text
ProcessName |
The Process Name
Refresh |
Process causes screen refresh
ReportName |
The Report Id for navigation processes
ReportWhere |
The Report Where for navigation processes
ReturnTableNames |
Tablenames for returning datasets
RunButtonText |
Change the runButtonText
StoredName |
The stored procedure name
TargetId | ||
TimeOut |
The time out
TypeId |
The Process type identifier
WebApiCanView |
User WebApi Authorization