{CompanyName} FlexyGo

Office Members

The Office type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member AddRedirectURIs
It adds AppFullPath to RedirectURI in Azure portal.
Public method Static member DeleteOfficeContacts
It delete contacts to office 365 with a batch request
Public method Static member DeleteOfficeEvents
It delete calendar events to office 365
Public method Static member GetConsent
It gets url to get user authorization
Public method Static member GetOfficeCalendar
It gets office calendar events
Public method Static member GetOfficeContacts
It gets office contacts
Public method Static member GetOfficePath
Public method Static member ReadToken
Token is read from DB, It's refreshed when it's expired
Public method Static member SendOfficeContacts
It sends contacts to office 365 with a batch request
Public method Static member SendOfficeEvents
It sends calendar events to office 365