{CompanyName} FlexyGo

RecurrencePattern Members

The RecurrencePattern type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property dayOfMonth
The day Of the month On which the Event occurs. Required If type Is absoluteMonthly Or absoluteYearly
Public property daysOfWeek
A collection Of the days Of the week On which the Event occurs. The possible values are: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday
Public property firstDayOfWeek
The first day Of the week. The possible values are: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday. Default Is sunday. Required if type Is weekly
Public property index
Specifies On which instance Of the allowed days specified In daysOfsWeek the Event occurs, counted from the first instance In the month. The possible values are: first, second, third, fourth, last. Default Is first. Optional And used if type Is relativeMonthly Or relativeYearly
Public property interval
The number Of units between occurrences, where units can be In days, weeks, months, Or years, depending On the type. Required
Public property month
The month In which the Event occurs. This Is a number from 1 To 12
Public property type
recurrencePatternType The recurrence pattern type: daily, weekly, absoluteMonthly, relativeMonthly, absoluteYearly, relativeYearly. Required