{CompanyName} FlexyGo

BasicTests Members

The BasicTests type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TestBasicInsertDelete
Tests the Basic Entity Update.
Public method TestBasicUpdate
Tests the Basic Entity Update.
Public method TestConfigTokens
Tests configuration tokens JSon serialization.
Public method TestCronExpressions
Tests all cron expressions in conf database.
Public method TestEntitiesAndCollections
Tests the entities and collections.
Public method TestImpersonate
Tests impersonate domain, user and password if ImpersonateEnabled setting is true
Public method TestLoadObjectsSettings
Tests the System objects settings.
Public method TestMasterTableInsertUpdateDelete
Tests the Master Tables Insert Update and Delete.
Public method TestMasterTables
Tests the Master Tables.
Public method TestMissingTranslations
Tests if there are missing translations for active cultures and originId 0
Public method TestMovement
Tests the SysMenus basic collection movement.
Public method TestNodes
Tests Nodes.
Public method TestObjectSecurity
Tests Security.
Public method TestUserProfile
Tests User Profile JSon serialization.
Public method TestUserProfileInterfaceMenus
Tests User Profile Web Menus.
Public method TestVars
Tests the default vars and User Info.
Public method TestViewsSyntaxis
Tests the entities and collections with cache.