{CompanyName} FlexyGo

UserNavigateNodes..::..UserInterface Members

The UserNavigateNodes..::..UserInterface type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method deleteNode
Deletes a node
Public method GetAreaNodes
Gets the nodes based on are table.
Public method GetNodes
Gets the nodes for a given parent Node Id.
Public method refreshNodes
Refreshes nodes
Public method relocateNode
Relocates a node


  Name Description
Public field DefaultDropDownRows
The default drop down rows
Public field DefaultPageSize
The default page size
Public field InterfaceName
The interface identifier
Public field JSCollection
Array of JavaScripts
Public field Logo
The logo
Public field MainNavigateId
The main navigate identifier
Public field MainNavigationNodes
The main navigation nodes
Public field NavigateId
The navigate identifier
Public field NavigationNodes
The navigation nodes
Public field Plugins
Array of Plugins
Public field Script
The Interface Script
Public field Skin
The skin
Public field StartUpPageName
Public field Style
The Interface Style