{CompanyName} FlexyGo

SQLUtilities Members

The SQLUtilities type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member addOrderBy
adds order by sentence to SQL string.
Public method AddTableToWhere(String, eWhereType)
Adds the table to a where sentence.
Public method AddTableToWhere(String, String, eWhereType)
Adds the table to a where sentence.
Public method AddTableToWhereSimple
Adds the table to a where sentence (second implementation).
Public method Static member AddWhere
Adds a where sentence to a SQL sentence.
Public method Static member appendOrderBy
appends an order by to another one.
Public method Static member ArrayToDatatable(array<Object>[]()[][])
Converts an object array into a datatable
Public method Static member ArrayToDatatable(IList)
Public method Static member BuildCount
Builds a count sentence.
Public method Static member cloneSQLParams
Public method Static member ConvertToSQLDate
Converts a Date Object to a SQL date.
Public method Static member DataRowToList
Converts a DataRow Object to a JSON Serializable List.
Public method Static member DataTableToList
Converts a DataTable Object to a JSON Serializable List.
Public method Static member DataTableToTypedList<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Converts a DataTable Object to a JSON Serializable List.
Public method Static member DataTasetToList
Converts a DataSet Object to a JSON Serializable List.
Public method Static member FormatField(Object, Byte, Boolean, Boolean)
Formats the field depending on its TypeCode
Public method Static member FormatField(Type, Object, Byte, Boolean, Boolean)
Formats the field depending on its TypeCode
Public method Static member FormatField(SqlDbType, Object, Boolean, Boolean)
Formats the field depending on its SqlDbType
Public method Static member FormatField(DbType, Object, Boolean, Boolean)
Formats the field.
Public method Static member FormatField(TypeCode, Object, Byte, Boolean, Boolean)
Formats the field depending on its TypeCode
Public method Static member GenerateStreamFromString
Generate a stream from text string
Public method Static member GetAlias
Gets the alias for a field name in as SQL sentence.
Public method Static member GetDatePart
Gets date part.
Public method Static member GetFrom
Gets the Table name from SQL Sentence.
Public method Static member GetTableSchema
Public method Static member JSONToDatatable
Public method Static member ParseSQLValue
Converts a .Net Object to a SQL object.
Public method Static member Permissions
Checks for the permissions for running a process.
Public method Static member ProcessOrderBy(String%)
Processes the order by sentence from a SQL sentence.
Public method Static member ProcessOrderBy(String%, String)
Processes the order by from aSQL and returns the order by with the table name.
Public method Static member RemoveOrderBy
Removes order by from a SQL sentence.
Public method StructToWhere
Converts a structure to a where sentence.
Public method Static member WhereToStruct
Converts a where sentence to a structure.