FlxMailChimp Methods
The FlxMailChimp type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddContactToList |
Adds contact to MailChimp list.
ChangeMailChimpAccount |
All MailChimp info is deleted in configuration database.
DeleteCampaign |
Campaign is deleted.
DeleteContactFromList |
Deletes contact from MailChimp list.
DeleteList |
List is deleted.
DeleteTemplate |
Template is deleted.
EditCampaign |
New campaign is saved or existing campaign is updated.
EditList |
New list is saved or existing list is updated.
EditTemplate |
New template is saved or existing template is updated.
GeneratePotentialContacts |
Generate potential contacts related to a sysMailChimp_Object_Contact entity.
GetContactsFromMailChimp |
It gets a collection of contacts from MailChimp and it's saved in MailChimp_Contacts.
InsertObjectContact |
Insert process for sysMailChimp_Object_Contact entity.
LaunchActionCampaign |
It triggers campaign actions.
MailChimpIntegration |
Integration with MailChimp, it gets data from MailChimp and is stored into database.
ProcessDependeciesMailChimpObjectsContacts |
Process dependecies of timeline object.
RefreshCampaign |
Synchronizes MailChimp and Flexygo campaign.
RefreshCampaigns |
Synchronizes MailChimp and Flexygo campaigns.
RefreshLists |
Synchronizes MailChimp and Flexygo lists.
RefreshTemplates |
Synchronizes MailChimp and Flexygo templates.
SendCampaignWithSegment |
A campaign with segment options is created and sent.
TestMailChimpApi |
MailChimp api is tested with given ApiKey.
UpdateMailChimpSettings |
Update configuration of MailChimp account.
UploadPotentialContacts |
Uploads in MailChimp a collection of contacts.
ViewMailChimpInfo |
View related MailChimp info.