{CompanyName} FlexyGo

FormRecognizer Methods

The FormRecognizer type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member APIActions
Function to call API
Public method Static member CreateAndReadDocument
Function to create and read document with Azure Form Recognizer
Public method Static member CreateFileInAzureStorage
Function to create document in Azure Storage
Public method Static member DeleteFileInAzureStorage
Function to delete document in Azure Storage
Public method Static member GetContainersOfAzureStorage
Function to get list of containers of Azure Storage
Public method Static member GetFileOfAzureStorage
Function to get info of document of Azure Storage
Public method Static member GetFilesOfAzureStorage
Function to get list of document of Azure Storage
Public method Static member GetListOfModels
Function to get list of models
Public method Static member GetSASToken
Function to get signature info to get file path
Public method Static member GetSharedKey
Function to get a Shared Key to make an API call
Public method Static member GetSignFormat
Function to get signature format string to generate Shared Key
Public method Static member HelpDemo
Public method Static member ReadDocument
Function to read document with Azure Form Recognizer
Public method Static member ReadDocumentTypeInvoice
Function to read document with Azure Form Recognizer
Public method Static member ReadDocumentWithModelId
Function to read document with Model Id with Azure Form Recognizer
Public method Static member TrainModel
Function to train new model with Azure Form Recognizer