BasicTests Methods
The BasicTests type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
TestBasicInsertDelete |
Tests the Basic Entity Update.
TestBasicUpdate |
Tests the Basic Entity Update.
TestConfigTokens |
Tests configuration tokens JSon serialization.
TestCronExpressions |
Tests all cron expressions in conf database.
TestEntitiesAndCollections |
Tests the entities and collections.
TestImpersonate |
Tests impersonate domain, user and password if ImpersonateEnabled setting is true
TestLoadObjectsSettings |
Tests the System objects settings.
TestMasterTableInsertUpdateDelete |
Tests the Master Tables Insert Update and Delete.
TestMasterTables |
Tests the Master Tables.
TestMissingTranslations |
Tests if there are missing translations for active cultures and originId 0
TestMovement |
Tests the SysMenus basic collection movement.
TestNodes |
Tests Nodes.
TestObjectSecurity |
Tests Security.
TestUserProfile |
Tests User Profile JSon serialization.
TestUserProfileInterfaceMenus |
Tests User Profile Web Menus.
TestVars |
Tests the default vars and User Info.
TestViewsSyntaxis |
Tests the entities and collections with cache.