{CompanyName} FlexyGo

Util Methods

The Util type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member DirCopy
Copy directory contents from Origin to destination.
Public method Static member FormatedReplace
Performs replace formating string key|FormatType:Format. Dates: key|Date:dd/MM/yy Boolean: Key|bool:Yes,No Decimal: Key|decimal:2
Public method Static member GetHtmlFromXML
Gets HTML text from XML and XSL Transformation file.
Public method Static member GetMiniature
Public method Static member GetXMLFromUrl
Gets the XML from a given URL.
Public method Static member IsBlank
Determines whether the specified a value is blank null or nothing.
Public method Static member KeyValuePairsToCollection
Convert a array of keyvalue pairs into a base collection
Public method Static member LogEvent
Add msg to windows event log.
Public method Static member ObjectToStr
Converts Objects to the corresponding string based on TypeCode.
Public method Static member ParseString
Parses a string based on a collection.
Public method Static member ParseStringFromRow
Public method Static member RandomNumber
Generates a Random Number.
Public method Static member ReadInnerExceptions
Reads the inner exceptions.
Public method Static member ReplaceStr
Replaces the strings oldvalue with the new value.
Public method Static member RotateAndDeleteExif
Public method Static member SafeReplace
String replace with exact match.
Public method Static member StrToBool
Converts Strings with the "true", "verdadero", "on", "1", "-1" values into a bool.
Public method Static member StrToObject(String, String)
Converts a String to an object object based on a Type passed as a String.
Public method Static member StrToObject(Type, String)
Converts a String to an object object based on a Type .
Public method Static member StrToObject(TypeCode, String)
Converts a String to an object object based on a TypeCode .