EntityObject Properties
The EntityObject type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CanClone |
Gets a value indicating if this instance can be cloned.
CanDelete |
Gets a value indicating if this instance can be deleted.
CanInsert |
Gets a value indicating if this instance can be inserted.
CanPrint |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can be printed.
CanUpdate |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can be updated.
CanView |
Gets a value indicating if this instance can be viewed.
CanViewCollection |
Gets a value indicating whether this instances collection can be viewed.
Configuration |
Gets the object configuration.
ConfToken |
Gets or sets the conf token.
ConnString |
Gets the connection String for Current user.
Count |
Gets the number of fields.
DataManager |
Gets or sets the data manager.
DBType |
Gets the connection String DBType for Current user.
Description |
Gets the object description.
GetData |
Gets the object data.
GetObjectToken |
Gets the object token.
HasChanges |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance has changes.
ID |
Gets the object identifier.
IsCollection |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is collection.
IsNew |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is new.
Item |
Gets or sets the Field Value.
Gets or sets the Field Value.
KeyCollection |
Gets the key fields Collection.
KeyFields |
Gets the key fields.
KeyWhereString |
Gets the key where string.
LastException |
Gets the entity last Exception.
LastReturnValues |
Gets the entity last Return Values as a ProcessHelper.
Name |
Gets the object name.
ParentDefaults |
Gets or sets the parent object defaults.
ParentName |
Gets the parents Name.
ParentObject |
Gets or sets the parent object.
Sql |
Gets the object SQL string.
TableName |
Gets the Table Name.
ToJSon |
Returns JSon string from entityObject DataTable.
UserConnectionString |
Gets the UserConnectionString.
UseTransactions |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use transactions.
Where |
Gets the where sentence.