OfficeEvent Properties
The OfficeEvent type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
allowNewTimeProposals |
True if the meeting organizer allows invitees to propose a New time when responding, false otherwise. Optional. Default Is true
attendees |
The collection Of attendees For the Event
body |
The body Of the message associated With the Event. It can be In HTML Or text format
bodyPreview |
The preview of the message associated with the event. It Is in text format
categories |
The categories associated with the event
changeKey |
Identifies the version of the event object. Every time the event Is changed, ChangeKey changes as well. This allows Exchange to apply changes
to the correct version of the object
createdDateTime |
The Timestamp type represents Date And time information Using ISO 8601 format And Is always In UTC time
end |
The Date, time, And time zone that the Event ends. By Default, the End time Is In UTC
hasAttachments |
Set to true if the event has attachments
iCalUId |
A unique identifier for an event across calendars. This ID Is different for each occurrence in a recurring series. Read-only
id |
importance |
The importance Of the Event. The possible values are: low, normal, high
isAllDay |
Set to true if the event lasts all day
isCancelled |
Set to true if the event has been canceled
isOnlineMeeting |
True if this event has online meeting information, false otherwise. Default Is false. Optional
isOrganizer |
Set to true if the calendar owner (specified by the owner property of the calendar) Is the organizer of the event
(specified by the organizer property of the event). This also applies if a delegate organized the event on behalf of the owner
isReminderOn |
Set to true if an alert Is set to remind the user of the event
lastModifiedDateTime |
The Timestamp type represents Date And time information Using ISO 8601 format And Is always In UTC time
location |
The location Of the Event
locations |
The locations where the Event Is held Or attended from. The location And locations properties always correspond With Each other.
If you update the location Property, any prior locations In the locations collection would be removed And replaced by the New location value
onlineMeeting |
Details For an attendee To join the meeting online. Read-only
onlineMeetingProvider |
Represents the online meeting service provider. The possible values are teamsForBusiness, skypeForBusiness, And skypeForConsumer. Optional
onlineMeetingUrl |
A URL for an online meeting. The property Is set only when an organizer specifies an event as an online meeting such as a Skype meeting. Read-only
organizer |
The organizer Of the Event
originalEndTimeZone |
The end time zone that was set when the event was created. A value of tzone://Microsoft/Custom indicates that a legacy custom time zone was set in desktop Outlook
originalStart |
The Timestamp type represents Date And time information Using ISO 8601 format And Is always In UTC time
originalStartTimeZone |
The start time zone that was set when the event was created. A value of tzone//Microsoft/Custom indicates that a legacy custom time zone was set in desktop Outlook
recurrence |
The recurrence pattern For the Event
reminderMinutesBeforeStart |
The number Of minutes before the Event start time that the reminder alert occurs
responseRequested |
Default Is true, which represents the organizer would Like an invitee to send a response to the even
responseStatus |
Indicates the type Of response sent In response To an Event message
sensitivity |
The possible values are: normal, personal, private, confidential
seriesMasterId |
The ID for the recurring series master item, if this event Is part of a recurring series
showAs |
The status To show. The possible values are: free, tentative, busy, oof, workingElsewhere, unknown
start |
The Date, time, And time zone that the Event starts. By Default, the start time Is In UTC
subject |
The text of the event's subject line
transactionId |
A custom identifier specified by a client app for the server to avoid redundant POST operations in case of client retries to create the same event
type |
The event type. The possible values are: singleInstance, occurrence, exception, seriesMaster. Read-only.
webLink |
The URL to open the event in Outlook on the web.
Outlook on the web opens the event in the browser if you are signed in to your mailbox. Otherwise, Outlook on the web prompts you to sign in.